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Waiting feedback Tabbed Widget Display Broken After Update

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by moshbit, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. moshbit

    moshbit Authorized Member Authorized

    Just wanted to point out that having the xengallery widget displayed in a tabbed format doesn't seem to work anymore after the latest update. instead, both widgets are showing one above the other. you can check it out on my website, squattheplanet.com.
  2. DRE

    DRE Member

    My widgets are throwing lots of server errors after the BD Widget update.

    Did you run into that issue after updating BD Widget too?
  3. moshbit

    moshbit Authorized Member Authorized

    hmm, no, not in a while. i didn't know there was an update to bd widget... ah yeah, im running 2.4.3. maybe i'll hold off on 2.4.6d.
  4. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Can you take a screenshot?
  5. moshbit

    moshbit Authorized Member Authorized


    there ya go :)

    it used to have tabs, but now it's separated into two different blocks. i haven't changed any settings, i just upgraded to the latest version (i believe from a pre-2.0 version).
  6. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    How about check the "Disable Wrapper" checkbox? It was wrongly called as it should be reserved. Will be fixed in next update.
  7. moshbit

    moshbit Authorized Member Authorized

    hmmm. nope, it's still the same whether that box is checked or not.
  8. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    I am sorry but I cannot see the issue which is 2 widgets overlap each other.
  9. moshbit

    moshbit Authorized Member Authorized

    i recently disabled the other widget, so now there's one. do you want me to enable the widget again so you can see the problem?
  10. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Please turn it on and take a screenshot, I guest that check "Disable Wrapper" will help.

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