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Suggestion Add A "dislike" Button To The Gallery

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by joey_tbf, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. joey_tbf

    joey_tbf Member

    I would be cool and fun if you could add a dislike button to the Gallery.

    For example woltlab's burning board gallery has a "dislike" button. It makes the gallery much more cooler!

  2. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    I afraid this might not be added. As you might know, dislike button is the most requested button on Facebook but it has never been developed. dislike button also received lot of requests in XenForo but the same result. To me, it is not likely to be in core of XenGallery.
  3. joey_tbf

    joey_tbf Member

    So what's the reason you don't want to add it? Just because other products don't have it?

    I thought as a developer it's your mission to make a product that customers want. If customers want a certain feature then why not add it? Don't you want to attract the most customers and sell a lot? Or you just want to make another add-on that is "the same" as the others. What's the point of making another add-on that is "the same" as another.

    I think customers always look for "unique" and the "most features" and since no other gallery add-ons have a dislike feature. Your gallery add-on would be "unique" and "more features" then the other gallery add-ons.

    And a simple "disable dislikes" option would fix the problem if someone doesn't want to use it. So i don't see the problem.

    anyways.. that's my opinion:D
  4. whynot

    whynot Authorized Member Authorized

    Because it is a trouble maker only.
  5. joey_tbf

    joey_tbf Member

    Maybe in "some" forums but not in "every" forum. Like i said before "And a simple "disable dislikes" option would fix the problem"
  6. whynot

    whynot Authorized Member Authorized

    There is "Comment" : I don't like this image.
  7. joey_tbf

    joey_tbf Member

    Sorry i don't understand your meaning. Maybe you can try again.
  8. whynot

    whynot Authorized Member Authorized

    You can comment instead of clicking on a dislike button.
  9. joey_tbf

    joey_tbf Member

    Yes. I know you can comment. But what does that have in relation to the dislike button?
  10. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    In my opinion, I do not like a forum where I post an image and people keep dislike it :D
    He means, you can leave a comment "I do not like this picture" :D

    As I stated. It will not available in core but it does not mean not possible. Customer's need always can be achieved by custom works.
    whynot and joey_tbf like this.
  11. joey_tbf

    joey_tbf Member

    Ok i understand now.
    Yes you are right. But some members don't want to comment. It is easier for them to press dislike. I want to make both people happy. Member who don't want to comment and member who like to comment.

    For me i don't mind. I think if someone "dislike my photo" it is okay. It is there opinion.

    Everyone is different and every forum is different. So we must make different forums so every person can find 1 forum they like.

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