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Question Size Of Embedded Images Via Icon In Texteditor

Discussion in 'XenGallery' started by snoopy5, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. snoopy5

    snoopy5 Authorized Member Authorized

    I found the solution in an old thread here:

    The other question above posting #19 regarding Resolution/Pixel and KB size needs still an answer
  2. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    It is the size you actually see in Gallery.
    Small: The thumbnails when you open gallery.
    Medium: The bigger thumbnails (for bigger display zones).
    Large: The image you see when click on photo (usually in configuration).
  3. snoopy5

    snoopy5 Authorized Member Authorized


    Where in the code can I change the pixel and KB size of these 3 sizes for XenGallery so that they are in-line with the restrictions in the usergroup permission for uploads in a forum-thread?
  4. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    You can change the pixel here:

    The size can be adjusted by permissions:

  5. moezop

    moezop New Member

    Do you have an estimated timeframe for the next release,?
  6. bezossjeff90

    bezossjeff90 New Member

    I just need a solution that helps to keep the difference between normal users and paying members. The image size is one of the few really significant advantages for a premium usergroup. For the rest, the users do not really care...
  7. ActorMike

    ActorMike Authorized Member Authorized

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