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Suggestion Addon For Bounced Email Management

Discussion in 'Add-On Suggestion' started by snoopy5, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. snoopy5

    snoopy5 Authorized Member Authorized


    I think this would be a homerun, if you would offer this for 20-40 USD:

    There is an addon availabale for free for vb. It is called ez bounce management. This puts a link in every email header or the buttom, so if an email bounces, you simply click on that links and this addon moves this user automatically into a specified usergroup, deactivates the admin emails, email for PM etc. so that this user really gets nothing anymore out of the forum by email.

    Additionally, the user will see the next time when he is logging in a pop up message that he has to verify his email address.

    Of course this is only semi-automatic, because you still have to click on a link within the bounced email. But this is better than copy/paste email addresses in XF around ;)

    There is just nothing on the market for XF-bounced eamails. And it is a pain in the neck to deal with it. Every admin has to do it, it is very time-consuming etc. So this is really a niche-market for a bestseller.

    Just have a look here:

    EZ Bounce Management
    http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=138884&highlight=EZ Bounce Management
    sonnb likes this.
  2. Kintaro

    Kintaro Authorized Member Authorized

    bdMails do that (if you use Mandrill to send mails) and is automatic
  3. snoopy5

    snoopy5 Authorized Member Authorized

    That is the point. Nobody wants to beforced to use a third party software to be able to have a bounced email management system.

    If I want to use a newslettersystem, I take phplist. It has by far the best capabilities and options incl. bounced email management, is professional and it is free, no matter how many emails you want to send out per month. No other software can offer this.

    But the Xenforo users need an addon that works with the XF internal mail system, not an external newsletter software.

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