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Request Categorize Individual Videos

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by DRE, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. DRE

    DRE Member

    Since you have a XenMedio Importer it would make sense for us to be able to import our categories and/or categorize our videos. Currently users cannot add their videos to categories. Not letting us categorize videos is like not letting us add prefixes to threads.
  2. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    What do you mean by
    Videos must be in an album. Cannot directly in a category.
  3. DRE

    DRE Member

    There's no way to categorize videos. Videos are categorized on XenMedio, YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo and drum roll please.... TV! Clicking on a category is like clicking on a television channel. You see exactly what genre you want to see and can sit there and watch them in one-go. By not letting us categorize videos and only doing it through albums, you make the album harder to find and it's not as intuitive to use. For instance, when adding a video most users will not know to put it in the album it belongs to. If they had a 'category' option during adding the video it would be easier for guests/noobs to find the video. Simply using tags is not enough as tags are not listed or featured in the same way as categories. Doing it as a collection is fine but not good enough either because you cannot add an item to collections during upload like you can for tags for instance.
  4. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Adding to collection during upload is an option. Videos/Photos directly in categories without albums will not available.
  5. Farcaster

    Farcaster Authorized Member Authorized

    in my opinion you shoud rethink this issue as it is a main purpose of every photographer to catgorize his pictures. for an example: Somone take photos of a wedding. During this wedding he makes photos of the bride (= Portrait), of the big Rolls Royce the bride came with (= Cars) and of the ring lying on the table (=Stillife) - So the album is calles "Wedding" and which category should this have?

    Tagging is one thing but in this case the tags should be "Bride", "Rolls Royce", and "Ring". Look at 500px, flickr or any other big photo-site - on all you can categorize single pictures...

    Just my 2 cents.
    DRE likes this.
  6. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    I am sure you can use tagging. Currently, XenGallery focuses on social gallery, where you post your albums with various photos and your friends on forum can go to that album and see all your photos.

    Of course your point is correct, that concept will help other users view all photos which belong to a specific category. But on top of that, XenGallery has album, which helps users to personalize their photos also has tagging (stream). Collection can help you this case, create several collections, for example: Car, Landscape..., when they upload photos, they can add these photos to collection that their photos belong to.
  7. Farcaster

    Farcaster Authorized Member Authorized

    well as i am a photographer, my concept of categorizing and collecting photos is based on Adobe Lightroom where you can also make collections and tag the photos but categorizing photos is something completely different - i never saw a category for a collection (not even in facebook)... ;)

    but besides that - is it principle possible within your code to implement this functionality or better lets say to redirect the categorizing to the photos instead of the albums?
  8. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Yes, because Facebook does not have category or collection for albums or photos. They are just albums and photos inside.

    That changes require lot of changes but of course nothing is impossible.

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