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Suggestion Full Album Bb Codes

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by joey_tbf, Jan 26, 2015.

  1. joey_tbf

    joey_tbf Member

    I remember asking about this in Pre-Sales. You said i can post a link to the album with photo.
    But you said it is not possible for full album bb codes. So i am suggesting it.

    I want to be able to grab all of the BB Codes at once from within an album. This would be useful when uploading many photos to a thread. Instead of copy and pasting each individual image.

    So for example it would look like this (side by side)

     [img] [/img]  [img] [/img]  [img] [/img]  [img] [/img]  [img] [/img]  [img] [/img]  [img] [/img]  [img] [/img]  [img] [/img]  [img] [/img]  [img] [/img]  [img] [/img]  [img] [/img]  [img] [/img] 

  2. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

  3. joey_tbf

    joey_tbf Member

    ahh november 2013


    :( im sad!!
  4. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    I was planned to be implemented.
    joey_tbf likes this.

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