What Do You Need In The Xf2 Xengallery Version? Vote for your choices here: http://www.sonnb.com/threads/what-do-you-need-in-the-xf2-xengallery-version.1539/

Suggestion Photo Contest Feature

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by antonio, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. antonio

    antonio Authorized Member Authorized

    I think it would be an advantage for many users to create a voting system as a photo contest.
    For example, you could enable a voting system for the photos in an album and photos with the most votes win the contest
    Settings: Duration uploads (start-end) - Duration voting (start-end) - Ranking in order of votes
    An administrator creates a category called Contest and in this category creates an album called "First contest" and in backend set "First contest" album as contest album (voting system)
    After the album is created, users can send photos until the end of the period set by admin.
    Admin starts voting and users can vote photo uploaded. At the end of the voting period you will have the final ranking.
    Sorry for my bad english, I hope I was understandable
  2. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Hello Antonio,

    I do understand what you are expecting.

    Just to classify, I do have some questions:
    - Do you think that Like system is acting as Vote? If they like it means that they want to vote for that photo/album?
    - Category has privacy setting allow you to set who can post to it, so you could allow users to post to that Category and ignore after the contest is finished?
  3. antonio

    antonio Authorized Member Authorized

    Hi :)
    Yes, like system is acting as vote ( 1 like=1 vote), but user in contest album can vote/like only 1 photo ( vote is only for photo, not for album)
    Category permission/privacy is perfect :)
  4. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    I would note this for future checking and implementation.
    antonio likes this.
  5. antonio

    antonio Authorized Member Authorized

    Thanks! :) ( now i use Photopost Pro software integration for manage contest but if XenGallery had this feature would be perfect )
  6. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    But it might take time as we have some more important feature to implement, right? :D
  7. antonio

    antonio Authorized Member Authorized

    Yes, Surely!!! ( and location problem :D )
    I have not forgotten the donation promise, I have to recharge the balance paypal :D
  8. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Location problem would be addressed in the next update. This require you to have an API key for Google Maps. Currently we have been limited because maximum allowed queries for this month was exceeded. By allow administrators to enable their own API key, they could by more queries times from Google if they want.
    antonio likes this.
  9. Designbox.com

    Designbox.com Authorized Member Authorized

    I am interested by this product only because I was under the impression this has been already implemented… :D
    Do you plan to add this feature anytime soon?
  10. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Yep, it will be added but I cannot give you a estimate for it right now.
  11. Designbox.com

    Designbox.com Authorized Member Authorized

    Thank you. I'll watch this thread then… :)

    Keep on the good work, you gallery already looks fantastic. ;)
    sonnb likes this.
  12. SelfSufficientMe

    SelfSufficientMe Authorized Member Authorized

    I'd really like an integrated photo contest also it not only would be fun but it could help get more members and generate content.

    I would like to create a photo competition in two ways such as:

    Upload your best "chicken" image - start date / end date - voting starts /voting ends - winner announced.

    Anyone who uses our gallery feature and uploads an image between this start date and this end date will be chosen at random to win.

    Any chance something like this could happen?
    otto and Designbox.com like this.
  13. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Contest of course will be implemented but I need time for it.
    otto, SelfSufficientMe and antonio like this.
  14. guni

    guni Authorized Member Authorized

    Hi sonnb
    any development for photo contest features? I might really interested to buy this :)
  15. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    It will be in the next major release. The main target is this feature.
  16. guni

    guni Authorized Member Authorized

    thanks.. look forward for this, I'm actually about to setup new site and thinking of getting this feature
    sonnb likes this.
  17. SelfSufficientMe

    SelfSufficientMe Authorized Member Authorized

    Any rough estimate when the next major release might be with this feature included?

    What sort of ideas or parameters do you have in mind on how it will work?
    Glock likes this.
  18. Glock

    Glock Authorized Member Authorized

    I need this too and am holding back on buying another add-on as I have seen you say about this for some time..
    But looking back we're talking from 2013 onwards.

    Are you still heading for end of June Sonnb?
    If not please let me know and I will buy this add-on I have seen that I really need.

    Thank you! Hope all's well :)
  19. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    I still keep that current estimated dateline ;)
    Glock likes this.
  20. Glock

    Glock Authorized Member Authorized

    Okay brilliant.. I shall hang back.
    Thank you :)

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