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Exif Data Not Showing In Pics

Discussion in 'XenGallery' started by Renegade, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. Renegade

    Renegade Authorized Member Authorized

    I have rerun the Rebuild Cache for EXIF data. The pics are mapped to the camera models now. However when I open the pics, no EXIF data shows up.

    Do I have to enable it from somewhere so that EXIF data shows up for each pic?
  2. antonio

    antonio Authorized Member Authorized

    I think You need to ask your provider to enable EXIF support on server :)
    This is in my server
    EXIF Support    enabled
    EXIF Version    1.4 $Id$
    Supported EXIF Version    0220
    Supported filetypes    JPEG,TIFF
    Directive    Local Value    Master Value
    exif.decode_jis_intel    JIS    JIS
    exif.decode_jis_motorola    JIS    JIS
    exif.decode_unicode_intel    UCS-2LE    UCS-2LE
    exif.decode_unicode_motorola    UCS-2BE    UCS-2BE
    exif.encode_jis    no value    no value
    exif.encode_unicode    ISO-8859-15    ISO-8859-15
  3. Renegade

    Renegade Authorized Member Authorized

    I did and they confirmed that it is enabled. I think it is enabled too otherwise I would not get the camera information from pics.

    How do I check those details from shell?
  4. antonio

    antonio Authorized Member Authorized

    If i understand:
    To create a phpinfo file, open a plain text file, add the following lines, and save with name phpinfo.php
    Upload this file to your Ftp server and go to: www.yourdomain.com/phpinfo.php and find Exif in this page
    Renegade likes this.
  5. Renegade

    Renegade Authorized Member Authorized

    This is on my server

    EXIF Support    enabled
    EXIF Version    1.4 $Id$
    Supported EXIF Version    0220
    Supported filetypes    JPEG,TIFF
    Directive    Local Value    Master Value
    exif.decode_jis_intel    JIS    JIS
    exif.decode_jis_motorola    JIS    JIS
    exif.decode_unicode_intel    UCS-2LE    UCS-2LE
    exif.decode_unicode_motorola    UCS-2BE    UCS-2BE
    exif.encode_jis    no value    no value
    exif.encode_unicode    ISO-8859-15    ISO-8859-15
  6. antonio

    antonio Authorized Member Authorized

    But with new photos the exif shows?
    The photo has incorporated the exif?
  7. antonio

    antonio Authorized Member Authorized

    Try with these my photos
    ALberi.jpg has exif, Macaone.jpg has not exif incorporated
    alberi.JPG macaone.jpg
    sonnb and Renegade like this.
  8. Renegade

    Renegade Authorized Member Authorized

    Yep it shows up for the scenery.

    Surprised though coz the existing pics do have EXIF info. I tried it in another tool. But they dont show up in the add-on.
    antonio likes this.
  9. antonio

    antonio Authorized Member Authorized

    The same in my forum....existing pics ( with exif incorporated) after rebuild cache and exif not shows exif :) Little problem for me, for me important are new photos :)
  10. Renegade

    Renegade Authorized Member Authorized

  11. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    When rebuilt, did you check the "Rebuild EXIF data" checkbox?
  12. Renegade

    Renegade Authorized Member Authorized

    Yes I did check it.
  13. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Can you send me an account with permission to download original photos? I want to check it.
  14. RobinHood

    RobinHood Authorized Member Authorized

    Hey @sonnb, I seem to be having the same issue, I have the same exif info from phpinfo
  15. RobinHood

    RobinHood Authorized Member Authorized

    Never mind, sorted it :)

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