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Help Gallery - Issue With Youtube Api

Discussion in 'Helps & Supports' started by viralAdmin, Sep 30, 2016.

  1. viralAdmin

    viralAdmin Authorized Member Authorized

    I have generated a key via the google developers console, verified my domain, added it to the serach register and restricted the API key to my domain name, added the api key to the XenGallery settings field, but I still have no youtube video thumbnails showing up..

    Am I missing something?
  2. viralAdmin

    viralAdmin Authorized Member Authorized

  3. RobinHood

    RobinHood Authorized Member Authorized

    Did you go to the library page and enable the YouTube data API?

    You need to specifically enable every API you want access to now
  4. viralAdmin

    viralAdmin Authorized Member Authorized

    Its enabled, and api key is generated, I have attempted using the server ip as an api credential, diddnt work. As diddnt the http referrer (web site). The dashboard isnt getting any data, like the key isnt activating from within the gallery..
  5. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

  6. viralAdmin

    viralAdmin Authorized Member Authorized

    Checked, rechecked, and re-rechecked, still nothing sadly..
  7. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Could you share me the login information so I can have a look for you?
    EvilSS likes this.

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