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Fixed Video Tagging System Quite Broken And Needs Big Ui Overhaul

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by RobinHood, Oct 20, 2016.

  1. RobinHood

    RobinHood Authorized Member Authorized

    I think the video tagging system might be broken and could do with a decent UI improvement.

    My site has a lot of user generated GoPro videos, and so we need a reliable and easy way to tag other members in the videos.

    First of all, finding out how to tag the users was really difficult.

    On images you have the prominent 'Person' icon to activate tagging, which is great.


    On videos this is missing, so you have to look elsewhere. Where though? I started off using the top menu instead (especially as I was on mobile) and that's where all the other options are.

    So I checked the edit tab and tried to Tag this video


    But that gives you a POST error


    So then I tried to edit the video itself. Now, I may have only been able to do this because I'm a mod and admin.
    Other users wouldn't have been able to do this I don't think?

    So I had to find the tiny, low opacity Edit button. Which I actually think is great by the way, don't change that, but I shouldn't have to edit the post to reach this setting


    I then have to click another button


    Then in the middle of a busy screen I have to find the tag field


    I add the users that I want, then save. All good.

    Then I realise I forgot someone, so I jump back in and edit it. Save again.

    Then I forget someone else, go in and edit, save.

    Then all of a sudden, even though there's 7 people in the list:


    The description thinks there's 20 users tagged:


    Clicking on the number shows a box with all the users, including duplicates


    It's sending out alerts to these new users, which is good - but it's duplicating the alerts to those who have already been tagged, which is not so good, lol


    So, yeah. All in all I think we have a big video tagging situation! :p

    I think we need the tagging icon back on the bottom menu bar, similar to images, so it's easy to find when on mobile (and desktop), and for continuity.

    But we need to it activate it's own dedicated user tagging box, where you can see who is already tagged and add new users, without sending out duplicates.

    Would be really good if we could get this sorted soonish, as like I say, my users are in nearly all the vids they embed as it's all user generated content :)
  2. RobinHood

    RobinHood Authorized Member Authorized

    Hmm...I just noticed I don't even have the option to tag other users in videos as a registered member on this site


    Does that mean the Edit control in my post above are just for admins?

    If so, we definitely need tagging for registered users for vids.
  3. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    The reason of no Tagging icon like in Photo because I cannot add an icon over the video. Another reason is, with that icon, you can make a region tagging on the photo but not video. So I decided to just make the tagging available in the Edit dropdown.

    It (The edit dropdown) is available if you have permission to edit that photo.

    I confirm the duplicated tagged users on edit+save.

    For the error when click on Tag this video, I cannot reproduce this. Actually when you click on this button, it show a popup to fill the user, not actually send the request to the link. In your case seem there is a JS error that makes the JS unable to run therefore it sends to the URL and shows the error.

  4. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    However, there is an issue and I have posted here: http://www.sonnb.com/threads/unspecific-error-message-when-tagging-users-in-a-video.1118/
  5. RobinHood

    RobinHood Authorized Member Authorized

    Hmm, you have the like icon and the comments icon on videos though. Could you not have the person icon next to them?



    If the tagging is only in the edit drop down for videos, it would be nice if there was also a tagging entry for the edit drop down

    Tagging from the menu is okay, but it's still not working for me for some reason.

    Sometimes when the overlay loads I get this in the console:

    xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:223 XenForo.activate(#document)
    xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:209 XenForo.init() 164ms. jQuery 1.11.0/1.2.8-dev
    xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:223 XenForo.activate([ol.eventList.__XenForoActivator, prevObject: e.fn.init[1], context: undefined])
    xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:250 Loaded css 0, sonnb_xengallery_photo_share
    xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:250 Loaded css 1, likes_summary
    xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:250 Loaded css 2, message_simple
    xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:250 Loaded css 3, sonnb_xengallery_photo_view_overlay
    xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:223 XenForo.activate([div.galleryOverlay.__XenForoActivator, prevObject: e.fn.init[1], context: undefined])
    xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:258 Unable to find menu for Popup [ul.goPopup.Popup.edit, context: ul.goPopup.Popup.edit]__construct @ xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:258XenForo.PopupMenu @ xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:258create @ xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:223b @ xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:222each @ jquery.min.js:2each @ jquery.min.js:2(anonymous function) @ xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:222dispatch @ jquery.min.js:3r.handle @ jquery.min.js:3trigger @ jquery.min.js:3e.event.trigger @ xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:2(anonymous function) @ jquery.min.js:3each @ jquery.min.js:2each @ jquery.min.js:2trigger @ jquery.min.js:3activate @ xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:223xfActivate @ xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:196createOverlay @ gallery.overlay.js?_v=88f098db:27(anonymous function) @ xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:195callSuccess @ xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:252successCount @ xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:253(anonymous function) @ xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:195success @ xenforo.js?_v=88f098db:251j @ jquery.min.js:2fireWith @ jquery.min.js:2x @ jquery.min.js:4b @ jquery.min.js:4
    Then I click the Edit: Tag This video link


    The entire page refreshes and I get this error


    However sometimes the page doesn't refresh and the box does appear, I'm able to populate it with a user, but then upon submission I receive an Unspecified Error via the ajax confirmation box and it doesn't save.

    There's no obvious error in the console beside the one quoted above, just these 2 new lines:


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Oct 25, 2016
  6. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    The Unspecified Error issue was reported in my above link.

    This is not the error which can trigger the issue. Anyway, it must not show above message in any case and show the tag edit instead. I will fix it for sure.
    RobinHood likes this.
  7. RobinHood

    RobinHood Authorized Member Authorized

    Any idea on when a new release with bug fixes will come out? There's quite a few at the moment, would be great to get tagging fixed :)
  8. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    I will try to push it this weekend.
    RobinHood likes this.
  9. RobinHood

    RobinHood Authorized Member Authorized

    Thanks Son :)
  10. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    - Added tag icon in video view.
    - Fixed duplicated tagging users when edit/save.
    - Fixed Undefined error.
    RobinHood likes this.

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