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Not a bug Not Possible To Add Album In Post

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by hollosch, Nov 6, 2016.

  1. hollosch

    hollosch Authorized Member Authorized

    it is not possible to add an album via the editor-button in a post.
    There may be an javascript-error...

  2. RobinHood

    RobinHood Authorized Member Authorized

    If you open chrome developer tools and try again you should be able to catch the error in the console tab, would probably help in troubleshooting :)
    sonnb likes this.
  3. hollosch

    hollosch Authorized Member Authorized


    Ah, ok - it seems to be a problem with @Nobita 's addon. I'll post this error there!
    RobinHood and sonnb like this.

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