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Help Difference Categories And Collections

Discussion in 'XenGallery' started by Vincent Volmer, Nov 22, 2016.

  1. Vincent Volmer

    Vincent Volmer Authorized Member Authorized


    Maybe it's a stupid question, but what is the difference (in usability) between categories and collections?

    I see differences in permissions.... but for the rest......

  2. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member


    I believe you have asked me somewhere but seem I missed it.

    Category: The place to store the album to categorize the contents.
    Collection: The set of albums and/or photos by topic or event. For instance: I create a collection named "Best picture of the year" and add albums/photos to this.

    Category physically stores the contents while Collection just make a link to content (logically). You cannot upload directly to a Collection but can select one that your content might belong to.
  3. Vincent Volmer

    Vincent Volmer Authorized Member Authorized

    Yes I did, but as an off-topic question. No problem, thanks you for your answer and explanation!

    It is clear to me now and I'm very happy with this feature! Great!

    Regards, Vincent

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