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Fixed Sort Contents By: Latest Updated Doesn't Work Properly

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by RobinHood, Jan 13, 2017.

  1. RobinHood

    RobinHood Authorized Member Authorized

    When I choose this, it still shows me the oldest media first, with the latest media at the end of all the pages.

    Souupy likes this.
  2. Souupy

    Souupy Authorized Member Authorized

    I have the same issue as well. It seems like even the "Newest Contents" option for me does the opposite too
    RobinHood likes this.
  3. RobinHood

    RobinHood Authorized Member Authorized

    It was actually newest contents that was most interested in too. I got confused between the two.
  4. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Fixed locally.
    Souupy and RobinHood like this.

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