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BUG New Content Rss Feeds Broken

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by RobinHood, Jan 31, 2017.

  1. RobinHood

    RobinHood Authorized Member Authorized


    They give me the following:

    This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
    <![CDATA[ The requested page is unrepresentable as RSS. ]]>
  2. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    I will check it.
    RobinHood likes this.
  3. RobinHood

    RobinHood Authorized Member Authorized

    Thanks, it would be really useful to be able to share these feeds with social media accounts.
  4. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    It is actually just the RSS feed. I will check to see what FB can act with the RSS feed.
  5. RobinHood

    RobinHood Authorized Member Authorized

    I already have a tool I use to export the native XF feeds from the site. I was hoping to do the same with the gallery feed, but I get the error in the first post as if the feed isn't valid, so I think there may just be an issue with the feed.
  6. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks for your information.
    RobinHood likes this.
  7. RobinHood

    RobinHood Authorized Member Authorized

    Any luck with this? :)
  8. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Going to fix it now.
  9. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    I see now because currently it is not supported RSS rendering. For now the following pages support RSS:
    - Gallery index
    - Album index.

    We should mark this as request instead?
  10. RobinHood

    RobinHood Authorized Member Authorized

    Oh right, yes please!

    I'll test out using the gallery index and album index feeds.

    But I think the 3 new pages would work well, particularly image and videos.

    That way you can insert the RSS feed into something like dlvr.it and have all new images and videos that are added to the gallery automatically shared on the forum social media accounts like their facebook page or twitter account, to pull traffic back to the site.
  11. RobinHood

    RobinHood Authorized Member Authorized

    What happens if the default gallery index is set to new photos?

    Will that share the new photos feed via rss?
  12. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Actually not yet. The RSS was made before that option is available so only the default gallery index is supported. We need to support the new ones to do that.

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