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Help Show Galleries On Forum Home Page (nodes)

Discussion in 'XenGallery' started by ActorMike, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. ActorMike

    ActorMike Authorized Member Authorized

    Is there a way to show some galleries on the home page of the forum below the nodes? I have a blank area they would look great in. Ford Thunderbird Forum
  2. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Yes of course, as you can see here on sonnb.com. You need to install the add-on [bd] Widget Framework. After that, add a widget in any place you want to.
  3. ActorMike

    ActorMike Authorized Member Authorized

    @sonnb is that how you integrated it into your home page using the Widget Framework?
  4. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Add a widget. Choose a XenGallery render that you want to use: (Please note the widget name might not up-to-date).

    In position, choose the position you want:

    You can click on the blue link to see all the position.
  5. Vincent Volmer

    Vincent Volmer Authorized Member Authorized

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