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Help Alerts Drop Down Messing Up With Xen Gallery Enabled

Discussion in 'XenGallery' started by zoldos, Jun 8, 2017.

  1. zoldos

    zoldos Authorized Member Authorized

    Hi sonnb! I found another issue seemingly caused by the new gallery version. Whenever someone hovers over their alerts, the drop down appears for a second, then disappears. The user has to then hover again for it to open. The only thing that has changed lately was the new version of the gallery.

    I even opened an official support ticket with XF and they tested it and found that it appears to work when they disabled the gallery. Please help! :)
  2. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    I will take a look on it. Can you reproduce on this site?
  3. zoldos

    zoldos Authorized Member Authorized

    Sadly no. But I know for certain it used to work fine on my site until just a few days ago when I upgraded the gallery.
  4. zoldos

    zoldos Authorized Member Authorized

    It seems to have corrected itself. :)

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