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Help Xengallery - Video Upload: How To Activate Multiple Uploads Or Edit Text?

Discussion in 'Add-On Supports' started by zoldos, Oct 13, 2017.

  1. zoldos

    zoldos Authorized Member Authorized

    @sonnb For some reason , whenever someone tries to upload a video to my site, they get this:


    Yet, it used to allow multiple uploads at once as the picture uploads does. Now it's as above. I'd like to either correct this so say 5 or so videos can upload at once, OR, find out how to change "Max 250 MB" to "Max 100 MB" as my members are getting confused (100 MB is the max I allow). Also, I'd like to simply remove the "4096 pixels/3072 pixels" as it is irrelevant.

    I could not find anywhere in phrases or templates where this popup/overlay is generated. Please help!
  2. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Hi zoldoes,

    Make sure you have flash uploader and/or html5 uploader enable. This popup only display when the mentioned uploader is disabled.
    zoldos likes this.
  3. zoldos

    zoldos Authorized Member Authorized

    Okay I fixed it, but had to revert one of the templates. lol Thanks!!
    sonnb likes this.

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