If you are an admin of a big forum or a forum with thousand of classified posts per day, you would be tired with moving the threads, posts to Trash forum or Delete them.
- Threads Mass Action: This feature allows you to search for the threads that match specified requirement and you are freely to choose: Move, Delete or Merge.
- Posts Mass Action: This feature allows you to search for the posts that match specified requirement and you are freely to Delete, Move or Merged them.
Available Options:
- Search in specific forum with option include children.
- Search thread order than specific date
- Search thread with maximum number of reply
- Search thread with specific status: Sticky, Soft-deleted, Closed.
- Search thread created by specific groups
- Search by specific user using user_id or username (Requested by yavuz)
And of-course you are freely to combine these options.
Since search for Posts need a lot of query performance, you should not select too many nodes or it would takes a long time to finish. (Around ~15 seconds for 40k of posts).
What is coming next version?
- Prune or Move using Cron Job (this should not be completed at this moment due to not an must-be function).
Additional information:
This addon original requested by: shawn
Please consider to backup your Database before perform any action. The add-on would work well but it could not be sure for some unexpected errors might occur on your board since many things could be happened.
What Do You Need In The Xf2 Xengallery Version? Vote for your choices here:

sonnb - Messages Mass Actions 1.2.0
Allow bulk search, move and delete threads via AdminCP