Ahh interesting! That makes sense. I'm not really sure what the issue with with my exif then. You can see here that I believe it's enabled....
The Open Regular Page and the Close buttons in the top right often overlap with the More button when on mobile. I'm often selecting the wrong...
I noticed as well that my phone photos get auto populated with the gps location info on your site, but that doesn't happen on mine. The 'Disable...
I believe it is enabled, I've tested it with this photo, which I found on the internet...
Thanks, I tried manually adding some new iPhone data, but it didn't seem to work. My iPhone 6 gets exif tagged on your site, but not on mine for...
Lots of my phone pictures are uploading rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise on my forum, where as they upload perfectly on yours, I'm not sure...
Hey Sonn! The initial issue occurred when the thumbnail size was set to the default of 'Original', the BD widget was looking for a folder that...
Hey Sonn! Thanks for the reply, do you know where I can find new accurate camera data to add though? For example, accurate camera ID's etc.,...
At various sizes facebook videos aren't centered, so it looks bad and you can't always get them to play depending on the screen size [MEDIA]...
Hey Sonn, How do we add new camera data and where to we get the data from? The latest iPhone in the system is the 5S and the GoPro's are...
Never mind, sorted it :)
Hey @sonnb, I seem to be having the same issue, I have the same exif info from phpinfo
It looks like there's no 'o' folder in the videos folder, like there is in the photos folder, so it can't find the images.
Hi SonnB I've only just got around to really playing with your gallery after getting it a couple of years ago - really great! I'm having an...
Happy new year mate :)
Hmm...seems okay now
Not sure if this is the same or not, but here on sonnb after tagging a photo and saving it, then hovering over the image or username the box...
Separate names with a comma.