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Implemented Ability To Disable Some Features From Acp?

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by Marcel, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. Marcel

    Marcel Authorized Member Authorized


    Would it be possible to add some more options to disable the following?

    Comments. We have forums for comments, and will be using XenGallery to hold member's photos so they can showcase and add to some threads.
    I've edited the options to disallow commenting though, so that's a way round it.

    Maybe streams (Not sure yet)

    Also, this is a much bigger request.
    Change the ability to just upload to your own gallery rather than forcing you to create an album to upload to. Like a root album per user?

    Excellent work by the way, brilliant addon.
  2. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Hello Marcel,

    You could disable comment system by not giving your users comment permission. We do not need an option to do that.

    Streams also can be disallow via permission.

    Already available:
  3. Marcel

    Marcel Authorized Member Authorized

    Hi sonnb

    Thanks for the reply. Sorry what I meant was, without that second step.
    It creates a default album (Which defaults to "Profile pictures"). Is there anyway to bypass that?
    No problem if not. I do understand it's a rather big request.
  4. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    There is a way that require you to edit the template, so you could add a link under "Add new photos" (or replace) which refer to "Add photos (to default albums)" and link it to: gallery/photos/add
  5. Marcel

    Marcel Authorized Member Authorized

    Thanks, I'll take a look at that :)

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