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Implemented Block Downloading Photos

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by AmurBereg, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. AmurBereg

    AmurBereg Authorized Member Authorized

    Is there any way to show our process of downloading photos as a percentage? And it's not clear whether the picture is loaded, it is an error which ...

  2. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

  3. AmurBereg

    AmurBereg Authorized Member Authorized

    No it is is another question, sorry for my english, I will try to present a understood...

    Yes it is. If look at the situation from a simple user. The picture is not loaded, progress bar is filled to 100%. Then you wait 20 seconds or so. And I do not understand upload a photo or still loading or error. The photo is loaded, but I do not understand in the 20 seconds or so it is loaded or not...
    antonio likes this.
  4. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Yep, I use the same way to display the progress. Would check to improve the progress filling.
    AmurBereg and antonio like this.
  5. AmurBereg

    AmurBereg Authorized Member Authorized

    I am grateful to you for your lightning fast answers!
  6. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    You are welcome.

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