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Request Drag And Drop To Re-order Albums

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by Franklin Willis, Apr 8, 2014.

  1. Franklin Willis

    Franklin Willis Authorized Member Authorized

    Members have requested a feature to be able to re-order their albums by dragging and dropping pictures much like how it is done in the Xen Media Gallery addon.

    The ability to re-order photos period is a much need addition!
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2014
  2. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Actually we already have the "sort" option. With the sort, re-order is useless (even we have recorded the position of photos).
  3. Franklin Willis

    Franklin Willis Authorized Member Authorized

    Not so much on my site which focuses on collectibles. An option to re-arrange photos is a needed feature to display album pics by year of release or by release # for the series of collectibles and in fact, many galleries now have that option (even Facebook, which this software closely imitates). I know I'm free to go elsewhere, but wondered if it's actually that hard to implement?
    Punkae and otto like this.

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