What Do You Need In The Xf2 Xengallery Version? Vote for your choices here: http://www.sonnb.com/threads/what-do-you-need-in-the-xf2-xengallery-version.1539/

Request Moderation Issue On Xengallery

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by accounting, Jan 8, 2016.

  1. accounting

    accounting Authorized Member Authorized

    we'd really like a few feature to make a more clear display :

    First of all, we'd like new albums to be sorted from the newest to the oldest (on /gallery/new-albums) . we'd like also on a second hand new tabs to be added in the scrolldown menu "gallery", including new album comments and new picture comments . And finally, we'd like to be able to give warning on album, picture and picture and album comments, and the user to get notice that his content has been removed like in posts .

    Understand that it's really important when you have a huge forum with thousands of users, and it's really hard to moderate as it is right now .

    please see the pictures we sent you before on mail .

    thanks by advance !
    sonnb likes this.
  2. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    We will see how many features will be available in the next update.
  3. accounting

    accounting Authorized Member Authorized

    Thanks for answer !
  4. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Please check my email. Hope to hear you soon.
  5. accounting

    accounting Authorized Member Authorized

    thanks for your answer, i'll check it as soon as i can and i give you feedback

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