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Implemented Simple Editor In Post/comment Form?

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by antonio, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. antonio

    antonio Authorized Member Authorized

    Hi :)
    It's possibile add a simple editor in post/comment form? ( or XF default )
    Example for adding smilies, for bold words etc etc...
  2. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    I have actually implemented it before but removed. It would only support: links, smiles, user tag (not yet available). It would be a messy if they format the comment, so I keep it simple as the best.
  3. antonio

    antonio Authorized Member Authorized

    For my user is perfect simple...links and smilies are ok....but i don't understand...sorry...this simple editor will be available or not? If not...can you send me this simple implemented but removed editor for small fee?
  4. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    It is already supported. Just try to type : d (smile icon without space) to comment and you would see the icon. It does not have rich editor for saving space.
  5. antonio

    antonio Authorized Member Authorized

    Ah, ok! Thanks!

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