What Do You Need In The Xf2 Xengallery Version? Vote for your choices here: http://www.sonnb.com/threads/what-do-you-need-in-the-xf2-xengallery-version.1539/

Request User Group Accsess

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by creasy, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. creasy

    creasy New Member

    Settings for specific user groups:

    Can View Gallery:

    Can View Thumbnail: (Thumbnail all users and users groups)
    Can View Image:

    Or Settings for specific Edit Category:
    Who can Thumbnail (Thumbnail all users and users groups)
    Who can view Image:
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2013
  2. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    What is your reason for this? I do not think it will be available like this way.
  3. creasy

    creasy New Member

    I would like to see thumbnails of all the groups, and the selected group photo in selected categories or albums :)

    Register (usergrup) users view thumbnails
    Premium (usergrup) users view thumbnails and photo

    This will allow unlimited access to the configuration of images..:p
  4. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    This has been requested in another way of explanation already but I do not know when it will come.

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