Skimpy armor, Kickstarter games gone missing, Moba fever, Huge day 1 patches, and more. Video games have a number of trends that we would like to see go away in 2015. Have any you would like to...
hey sonnb, i was wondering if the importer leaves behind a copy of the pictures from Xen Media Gallery, or does it delete the pictures after...
After upgrading to version 2 (and now 2.1.3) i noticed i have in my outdated templates: sonnb_xengallery_album_list.css Custom Version: 2.0.6,...
updated for 2.1.3 [ATTACH]
thanks! i understand how other people might like the videos thing, and i appreciate your work on it, but i've noticed a bit of a drop in video...
i have to admit, i was testing out xen media gallery, but after playing with it for a while i've decided the XG is a superior plugin. so i'm back :)
So I'm using XG for my photos, and jaxel's xenmedio for videos. My current problem with XG is that I can't figure out how to disable videos...
Yesterday two friends of East Jesus stopped by to visit. As they pulled up, I noticed they had some kind of strange device attached to the top of their car. It turned out to be what they called a...
i was wondering, if i uninstall xengallery, does it remove the pictures as well? or are they still on the server? and if so, where are they...
ah.. i see. removing the !important from the border removes the border and corrects the alignment of the pictures: [ATTACH] but it looks so...
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