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Question Adjust Video Player Size

Discussion in 'XenGallery - Video Upload' started by Glock, May 14, 2015.

  1. Glock

    Glock Authorized Member Authorized

    How can I control the video playback size?
    Is it in this template?;


    Also, I have issues with the text for the video player, it's all over the place.
    Plus lastly, the comment boxes are black so people can't like etc.
    I know it's a styling issue, just wondering where I can do all of this?

    Thank you so much for your help and I must say, it's amazing!! Video.png video2.png
  2. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    How do you want to change the size? You need to change in that template and js/sonnb/XenGallery/gallery.js as well.

    For other CSS issues, you can debug them with firebug or F12, then add modified CSS to the template extra.css
    Glock likes this.
  3. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    You can also change the CSS of grid (2nd screenshot) in the style properties: admin.php?styles/master-style.0/style-properties&group=sonnb_xengallery_grid
    Glock likes this.
  4. Glock

    Glock Authorized Member Authorized

    Fantastic thank you Sonnb.
    I've messed with it in Firebug, but couldn't quite get the desired results. :)
    You're a gem, I will do some playing now.
    Thank you so much, again this is an amazing feature and long awaited. Uploading and playback is superb!!
  5. Glock

    Glock Authorized Member Authorized

    Okay, it's the text in this box I can't change.. :p
    If I do it in Firebug, it works fine, but I can seem to change it in the templates.
    Very frustrating. I would appreciate some help as I just can't seem to change it..
    Thank you!

  6. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    You can change it in Style properties => XenGallery Grid => There are some sections for it:
  7. Glock

    Glock Authorized Member Authorized

    Done that, it will not update.. :(
    Sorry. Don't know if I'm missing something, but it just will not update.
  8. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    You are right. It should be fixed. In the mean time, please add following line to the template extra.css

    .itemGallery .toolAlbum a span { 
    color: {YOUR_COLOR}!important;
    Glock likes this.
  9. Glock

    Glock Authorized Member Authorized

    Yes that works, thank you. :)

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