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Facebook Comments Not Appearing

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by mbenjami, Sep 24, 2013.

  1. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    But as you can see. Only your one post :D
  2. mbenjami

    mbenjami Authorized Member Authorized

    actually i had that problem when testing this on my site yesterday also...suddenly double posting messages and threads
  3. mbenjami

    mbenjami Authorized Member Authorized

    hmm..dont know..i didnt do it..strange
  4. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Why you able triple posting this post?
  5. mbenjami

    mbenjami Authorized Member Authorized

    uploaded again...seems to work now. is it possible to just get one facebook comment box in each thread ?..i think it looks kinda messy with facebook comment on each post. and it takes a lot of resource when opening a long thread , when it has to update facebook comment box on every post. so a facebook comment box at the bottom of each thread will be nice. and if it is a thread with multiple pages it should show the same comment box on each thread. preferable above the xenforo editor.
  6. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Maybe that option will available later. The idea for live thread is users will answer to every single post and XenForo reply will be disabled to save resource.
  7. mbenjami

    mbenjami Authorized Member Authorized

    uploaded again...seems to work now. is it possible to just get one facebook comment box in each thread ?..i think it looks kinda messy with facebook comment on each post. and it takes a lot of resource when opening a long thread , when it has to update facebook comment box on every post. so a facebook comment box at the bottom of each thread will be nice. and if it is a thread with multiple pages it should show the same comment box on each thread. preferable above the xenforo editor.
  8. mbenjami

    mbenjami Authorized Member Authorized

    uploaded again...seems to work now. is it possible to just get one facebook comment box in each thread ?..i think it looks kinda messy with facebook comment on each post. and it takes a lot of resource when opening a long thread , when it has to update facebook comment box on every post. so a facebook comment box at the bottom of each thread will be nice. and if it is a thread with multiple pages it should show the same comment box on each thread. preferable above the xenforo editor.
  9. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Can you confirm that you uploaded correctly?
  10. mbenjami

    mbenjami Authorized Member Authorized

  11. mbenjami

    mbenjami Authorized Member Authorized

    your admin user is still there..cant you log on and take a look. i made my whole forum live.
  12. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Did you configured this?

  13. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    What is the link of your Live Thread?
  14. mbenjami

    mbenjami Authorized Member Authorized

    yes..this is my setting. your admin user is still there so u can log on an do a live check
  15. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Did you configure this?

  16. mbenjami

    mbenjami Authorized Member Authorized

    Tried looking around..but it will not show up on my site.
  17. mbenjami

    mbenjami Authorized Member Authorized

    I cant see the facebook comment function on my website ?
Live Thread addon by sonnb

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