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What Do You Need In The Xf2 Xengallery Version? Vote for your choices here: http://www.sonnb.com/threads/what-do-you-need-in-the-xf2-xengallery-version.1539/

Sonnb - Xengallery (xenforo Gallery) [paid] 2.6.10

Modern Albums with Photos and Videos gallery for your XenForo

  1. Dave

    Dave Authorized Member Authorized

    Just PM'd ya.
  2. Dave

    Dave Authorized Member Authorized

    I have sorted the avatar problem. Its because i use a modified "L" avatar in the message user info on the forum.
    I have edited this line in sonnb_xengallery_author_cover:
    <a class="avatar Av6m">
        <span style="background-image: url('{xen:helper avatar, $user, 'l'}')" class="img m"></span>
    Then in sonnb_xengallery_author_view-css i changed the left padding of .userCover .person to 160px to correct the overlapping username and avatar.

    The alignment of the permission boxes, i have simply edited sonnb_xengallery_photo_view.css and changed .commentContainer .commentControls to 40% width instead of 230px.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2014
  3. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks for your investigation. I was unable to reply as it was night here.

    For the avatar alignment, your adjustment is necessary since you use bigger avatar size.

    For the privacy zone, your solution can be improved. You have this issue because in your style, you have:
    This maybe comes from add-on, it overrides all other style properties so the comment zone cannot aligned as expected.
    So you need to override this setting in XenGallery. The current class:
    Change it to:
    The result:
  4. Dave

    Dave Authorized Member Authorized

    Thanks. That looks better.
    What do you use for searching code by the way? I use Firebug, but not brilliant.
  5. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    I think firebug is the best for debugging. In the above screenshots, I use chrome.
  6. creasy

    creasy New Member

    The gallery is still being developed?
    joey_tbf likes this.
  7. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Yes of course. I am still having long roadmap for it.
    antonio likes this.
  8. VanValdenburg

    VanValdenburg Authorized Member Authorized

    Also opened a thread not sure if appreciated when posting here.

    But our Videos seem totally bugged - sometimes you can watch them and some are not working atall - giving blank page when clicking or just doing nothing atall - some are clickable through the comment icon some are not - we can not delete any video in the website interface. We use the latest build and used the Nobita Teams wich used some permissions - but after disabling the Nobita addon nothing was better.

    Hope you can help me.
  9. creasy

    creasy New Member

    and back to the loading video on the server, or live to see this version, it's been a year :(
  10. VanValdenburg

    VanValdenburg Authorized Member Authorized

    Do not get what you mean - you got the same problems with videos not loading?
  11. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    I will answer you in the bug report thread at: http://www.sonnb.com/threads/videos-not-loading.731/
    Maybe I missed it. Do you have same issue in this thread http://www.sonnb.com/threads/videos-not-loading.731/?
  12. creasy

    creasy New Member

  13. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

  14. Fatih Özcan

    Fatih Özcan Authorized Member Authorized

    Mysqli prepare error: Unknown column 'sonnb_xengallery_watermark' in 'field list'
  15. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Please report XML file. This field might be failed to be created in the first install. Reimport will work as there is a check for it every time xml is being imported.
    Fatih Özcan likes this.
  16. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    resonansER likes this.
  17. system

    system New Member

    This doesn't quite index with google very well, for example I have several albums and the name of the album isn't the first result in google search or xenforo search.

    Also I would like the Navigation menu to be phrased correctly at the moment it is attaching somewhere and I cannot seem to move the Gallery nav tab.

    Thank you.
  18. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member


    1. For navigation menu, the phrase name is: sonnb_xengallery_gallery
    2. For the xenforo search, it depends on the keywords, other content types could be on top of album/photo for instance post/thread, if there are too many of them then album/photo will be under. This is normal on XF.
    3. I believe we still have good position on Google result. It is up to Google. In below screenshot, the matched album is 2nd position and photo is 3rd position.

  19. system

    system New Member

    1. I'm talking about moving it in the main navigation. There is no <div class="navTabs"> set for this gallery.
    It seems it is attaching to {$extraTabs.home} or something either side of this on our navbar either way it does not appear in the navigation template.

    2&3. What I'm experiencing is google listing pages and not the main album, there's something wrong with how it's indexing somewhere.

    Attached Files:

  20. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    1. It is attached to the 'middle' position. You cannot see in the template because injected tabs are extraTabs. They are rendered dynamically. If it does not appear, please check other addons for confliction.
    2&3. This is completely controlled by google. Nothing to do with XenGallery.

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