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What Do You Need In The Xf2 Xengallery Version? Vote for your choices here: http://www.sonnb.com/threads/what-do-you-need-in-the-xf2-xengallery-version.1539/

Sonnb - Xengallery (xenforo Gallery) [paid] 2.6.10

Modern Albums with Photos and Videos gallery for your XenForo

  1. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    sonnb updated sonnb - XenGallery (XenForo Gallery) with a new update entry:

    Bug fixes

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    resonansER and whynot like this.
  2. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Fixed. Please try again with new version.
    egerci likes this.
  3. creasy

    creasy New Member

    You can add options to download all the photos in the album?
    Glock likes this.
  4. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    It is in TODO list long time ago. The idea is to download all photos in album in zip format (like google+ does).
    Glock likes this.
  5. Glock

    Glock Authorized Member Authorized

    Just looking for some advice.. an enquiry on importing really.
    I am moving from XFMG to this, and I am worried about the importing process.
    I have several albums categorised and member albums.
    We have quite a few categories and most members have their own albums, how can I import it so all users' retain their albums and all categories remain in tact?

    I have started creating categories but have stopped as I read somewhere I should leave it blank really.
    So I am just wondering how I can import the images from XFMG to XG - and maintain user albums and our categories.

    Also is it completely necessary to shut the board down during the import?
    Many thanks in advance :)
  6. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member


    You do not need to create anything. Just start the import, and click step by step, you will get them imported from XFMG to XG. You can do a local testing before do it on production server.
    Glock likes this.
  7. Glock

    Glock Authorized Member Authorized

    Okay thank you.
    Does the board have to be closed or can it be done live?
  8. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    It can be live. But if you have lot of data, temporary close the forum is a good choice.
    Last edited: May 21, 2015
    Glock likes this.
  9. Glock

    Glock Authorized Member Authorized

    Alright, closed it is.. Thank you again! :)
    sonnb likes this.
  10. Glock

    Glock Authorized Member Authorized

    Okay I've done the importer but galleries aren't showing and user content isn't either.
    Do I need to do anything else?
    I've rebuilt the cache twice - once more won't harm, but is there anything else?
    Also I saw during import that watermarks could be applied, but they haven't been applied.

    is there anything else I need to do for watermarks to show up on imported albums/photos?
    Many thanks
  11. Glock

    Glock Authorized Member Authorized

    Okay ignore that, sorry..
    the only thing missing is watermarks after a rebuild.
    I hope you can help.
    Thank you!
  12. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Yep, that is missing. Currently it does support add watermark during the rebuild. I have planned to add this feature.
  13. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    sonnb updated sonnb - XenGallery (XenForo Gallery) with a new update entry:

    New features and bug fixes

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    whynot and resonansER like this.
  14. Glock

    Glock Authorized Member Authorized

    This is an amazing product.
    I am so happy with it, I don't know what held me back!!

    Another user on XF and I chat a bit and he said to me; 'your users will love it! it's far better than the other paid for one'
    And do you know what?
    He is right.
    Our members love it!!
    Thank you @sonnb for making such an amazing piece of kit and at such a low price.. Amazing.
    ReneS, bt012ss, whynot and 1 other person like this.
  15. Fatih Özcan

    Fatih Özcan Authorized Member Authorized

    @sonnb so why I can't download video upload add-on?
  16. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Add to cart and you will get it free since you owned XenGallery.
    Fatih Özcan likes this.
  17. Fatih Özcan

    Fatih Özcan Authorized Member Authorized

    Yes problem solved. Thank you sonnb :)
  18. resonansER

    resonansER Authorized Member Authorized

    Hi, @sonnb!
    I installed your addon again on my site, I got this error when tried create album:
    Mysqli prepare errorUnknown column 'album.team_id' in 'where clause'

    Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_prepare() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 115
    ->__construct() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php at line 381
    ->prepare() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 478
    ->query() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 825
    ->fetchOne() in sonnb/XenGallery/Model/Album.php at line 235
    ->countAlbums() in sonnb/XenGallery/ControllerPublic/XenGallery.php at line 84
    ->actionIndex() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 347
    ->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
    ->run() in /index.php at line 13
    Please, help.
  19. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    It is the integration issue with Team addon since it was installed before XenGalley is available. Please reimport your Team addon xml file.
    resonansER likes this.
  20. Glock

    Glock Authorized Member Authorized

    I've got 50 odd pages of these errors;
    ErrorException: Undefined index: allow_view - library/sonnb/XenGallery/Model/Album.php:724
    ErrorException: Undefined index: allow_add_photo - library/sonnb/XenGallery/Model/Album.php:799
    #0 MYSite/public_html/library/sonnb/XenGallery/Model/Album.php(799): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined index...', '/home/...', 799, Array)
    #1 MYSite/public_html/library/sonnb/XenGallery/Model/Album.php(306): sonnb_XenGallery_Model_Album->canAddPhoto(Array, NULL, Array)
    #2 MYSite/public_html/library/sonnb/XenGallery/Model/Album.php(351): sonnb_XenGallery_Model_Album->prepareAlbum(Array, Array, Array)
    #3 MYSite/public_html/library/sonnb/XenGallery/ControllerPublic/XenGallery.php(89): sonnb_XenGallery_Model_Album->prepareAlbums(Array, Array)
    #4 MYSite/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(347): sonnb_XenGallery_ControllerPublic_XenGallery->actionIndex()
    #5 MYSite/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
    #6 MYSite/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
    #7 {main
    Any ideas as to what this is?
    Still having double alerts too.
    Also still having issues with categories and default albums belonging to 'admin'..
    Don't know how or where to start with moving these things. Some photos get uploaded into admin albums, when they should be a category?
    A friend of mine has this too, and his gallery categories are working perfect. Can't get ours the same, importing from XFMG was a huge issue and I am sure something borked during the process. :(

    But would appreciate the advice on all these errors...

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