What Do You Need In The Xf2 Xengallery Version? Vote for your choices here: http://www.sonnb.com/threads/what-do-you-need-in-the-xf2-xengallery-version.1539/

Test Live Thread

Discussion in 'Live Thread' started by Nemamto, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    Yes. It use separated action (live instead of index) to work independently with the current thread.
  2. EvilSS

    EvilSS Authorized Member Authorized

    test. i did use this once, but members copy and paste the link to facebook and it has live on the end..
  3. dev

    dev New Member

    thanks for making this add on and...giving it to users :bow:
  4. dev

    dev New Member

    nice addon soon purchase xen only for this add on...

    wish if it was available on mybb as well... :D
  5. dev

    dev New Member

    great live thread add-on :bow: to admin
  6. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    You need 2 accounts open this thread. Post reply in account A and see the browser of account B automatically loads the new posts from A.
  7. drastic

    drastic Authorized Member Authorized

    what am i doing here?
  8. drastic

    drastic Authorized Member Authorized

    testing this
  9. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    This is a Live Thread
  10. PlayerUp

    PlayerUp Authorized Member Authorized

    Where is the live thread?
  11. tech123

    tech123 New Member

    again :p
  12. tech123

    tech123 New Member

    testing qoutes :)
  13. tech123

    tech123 New Member

  14. tech123

    tech123 New Member

    best live...
  15. tech123

    tech123 New Member

    Live thread...
  16. tech123

    tech123 New Member


    Thanks sir:cool:
  17. tech123

    tech123 New Member

  18. tech123

    tech123 New Member

    Sir i want to know also why in my test site why my reply box disappears. Whats the problem u think we hav got.
    And this hang problem did u face also in reply box?
  19. tech123

    tech123 New Member

    Why it is hanged. I wrote the messg aftwr some secods it will display on the reply box. I am using phone.
  20. tech123

    tech123 New Member

    Its done simply by click on the wuick reply box.
  21. tech123

    tech123 New Member

    Thanks sir
  22. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    I have enabled quick reply on top with XF 1.5.3.
  23. tech123

    tech123 New Member

    Just for a test tried LIVE addon on my local host by when I tick quick reply on top the editor is just disappears.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2015
  24. tech123

    tech123 New Member

    Nice addon sir :)

    But if you dont mine will you please put editor on top of page and reverse post order so we can check it more :)

    Btw a great work sir
  25. tech123

    tech123 New Member

  26. tech123

    tech123 New Member

    Last edited: Dec 3, 2015
  27. tech123

    tech123 New Member

  28. tech123

    tech123 New Member

    I want to see the reply box on top and then how its working. can you do that sir.
  29. tech123

    tech123 New Member

    Sir can we make only singln ke thread live as well??
  30. tech123

    tech123 New Member

    can the reply box will be on top sir
  31. tech123

    tech123 New Member

    Its working nice great sir
  32. tech123

    tech123 New Member

    Ok will gibe it a test :)
  33. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    This thread is a Live thread. Try to use 2 windows to see how it works. It will load new posts by AJAX within configured interval without refreshing the page.

    It is controlled by permission. You can enable/disable per user/usergroup.
  34. tech123

    tech123 New Member

    also guest cannot view live mode to view thread in live you hve to login as member.
  35. tech123

    tech123 New Member

    As we are planning to shift our forum from mybb to xenforo as the live custom plugin is costing us around xenforo's licence and due to low budget for a start we cna't afford that costly servic. And then we get your live thread plugin in xenforo and luckily you gove it free to the community. So we can get xenforo its features and your live thread add on as well.

    So that's why am asking a screenshot of what we want is that live plugin. Once loaded you need not reload again that page to get reply on that thread from or to reply to that thread and everything happens in just real time, like what we have in Ajax.

    As in mybb we too have live feed plugin and a live thread plugin as well. But these plugins just deliver content in real time. If any user reply a thread you'll get notified ( like what I saw in xenforo while browsin, but it shows only threads I participated in but live feed shows notofocation to all threads except those sections where live feed isn't activated) author nam and the post cintent is loaded in real time and when I reoly even to the thread then reloads to show the make live feed's content and my post a normal post again. Means after a post I have to wait for the page to load first.

    And the screenshot below is what type of add on we want like you can open up thread in kive or normal mode from thread listing and knce the thread is loaded in live mode you'll need not to reaload again to see the post or to reply.

    Hope you got my point.

  36. tech123

    tech123 New Member

    thanks for reply sir

    but I mean to say that will you show live plugin activated on a thread and messages in live mode like this one. Is your live plugin looks somewhat like this.???

    Untitled (1).jpg
  37. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    It is free so feel free to test it yourself. Anyway, here is the option:

  38. tech123

    tech123 New Member

    can you please share the screen shot here so I can make sure its that plugin I was looking for.

    As you done a great work. So will you please it will be great help for us.
  39. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    There is an option for it. You can change as you want.
  40. tech123

    tech123 New Member

  41. samuel

    samuel New Member

  42. tech123

    tech123 New Member

    i just want to know that when we activate the live in a thread.
    The rply box will be on top and others post are posting downwards.
    can i see one full page image of a live thread
  43. PlayerUp

    PlayerUp Authorized Member Authorized

    Thanks a lot!
  44. shinobi

    shinobi New Member

    testing the live thread
  45. hasahemun

    hasahemun New Member

    Thanks you.
  46. whynot

    whynot Authorized Member Authorized

    Thank you.
  47. sonnb

    sonnb Administrator Staff Member

    You might know live event on the web? Live thread fetches new replies automatically.
  48. unol

    unol Authorized Member Authorized

    test picture uno3.png
  49. whynot

    whynot Authorized Member Authorized

    Testing it.
    What's the difference between a thread and a live thread?
  50. SnoSheriff

    SnoSheriff New Member

    Just testing the live tread feature...
  51. View Previous Posts...
  52. Nemamto

    Nemamto New Member

    Test message
Live Thread addon by sonnb

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